To communicate that Italy’s most popular daytime Talent Show was on Real Time, Mirata organized a tour with 4 stop-overs in the most important shopping malls on national territory. Vicenza (Le Piramidi), Naples (Vulcano-Buono), Rome (Porta di Roma) and Catania (Etnapolis).
Real Time presents: Amici show tour 2015
The special guests of the tour were the participants of the “Amici” school that made themselves available for pictures and autographs with the fans at Porta di Roma shopping mall in Rome and Deborah Lurato, winner of the 2014 edition, who performed in an exclusive show at Vulcano Buono shopping mall in Naples.
In the main square of every mall we set-up a huge stage to propose a real and proper show making the atmosphere as real and exciting as the talent shows.

All those who participated to the tour were given the opportunity to fill out a card to win a whole day inside the school of Amici- a dream come true for all participating teenagers.
In all 4 stop-overs the success of the influx was the result of a winning communication strategy that each shopping mall supported at a 360° level on all media and social channels available.