Les and Seth Gold arrived to Italy. Welcomed by all the Milanese as real Hollywood stars, the two protagonists participated to a “tour de force” which lasted 3 days.
Hardcore Pawn: The Gold family at the Fuori Salone
The first step was the Meet & greet in Discovery’s offices where they met the journalists and then went around desks signing autographs taking countless selfies. They were guests in radio Deejay’s program “Deejay Chiama Italia” and spent a long afternoon in a top-secret place outside Milan for their promo shooting. After having been assaulted by incredulous passersby in Piazza Duomo, they made their appearance at the Fuori Salone.

Saturday afternoon at the Officine Creative Ansaldo in Via Bergognone 34, on the corner with Via Tortona, the event open to the public took place. There were over 5.000 people to welcome them through applauses and cries.

After having waited a long time, the fans were allowed on stage to meet their idols, take a picture with them and get an autographed postcard gifted by the team together with a DMAX baseball cap.

The means thought out to present the Gold family to the Italian public was a shiny fully customized airstream. At the end of the event we managed to get the famous phrase “My filìo could have died!" to be pronounced correctly.